09 july 2021

Fair and honest trading

Herba-Collection is an amfori member

Claudia Oehy
Head of Product Management

We at Herba-Collection have always attached great importance to mutually respectful dealings and also expect a good, fair and socially committed culture from our partners in their companies. To ensure this, we only work with partners who share and recognise our conditions and values.

To make this attitude and values official, we are now also a member of amfori BSCI from 2021.

amfori briefly explained



The amfori BSCI is a leading business initiative to improve working conditions in global supply chains.

With the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct, companies can strengthen their business in the long term and they thereby reduce risks - also for business partners and investors, lenders or insurers.


Code of Conduct

The amfori BSCI Code of Conduct is based on the conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the universal human rights declarations of the United Nations, the UN Global Compact and the OECD guidelines. All amfori BSCI participants agree to the CoC and undertake to comply with it.


Binding goals

By joining, participants commit to engage their suppliers in the amfori BSCI process and are continuously monitored on their progress.

In turn, the suppliers of BSCI participants commit to comply with the BSCI Code of Conduct and are audited accordingly. In addition, the companies are supported in their further development through training.


Product catalogue

Claudia Oehy
Head of Product Management

My many years of experience and passion for the job made me having this in-depth knowledge in the areas of beauty and body care.